
Machinery and plants for producing compounds based on bitumen

Compound Preparation

Machinery and plants for producing compounds based on bitumen, at the highest level of filtration with reduced times of mixing, and low energy consumption, being able to use raw materials of the second choice and therefore of low cost.

This equipment can be used in all the production plants in which bitumen is used



Homogenising/Filtering/refining machinery for bitumen and bitumen compound base.
It makes the compound smooth and shiny and destroys all the impurities inside.
Usually installed between the primary/preparation mixer and the secondary/holding mixer.
Exceptional filtration up to 0.2mm.

It has a triple fuction: filtration/shredder/homogenisation.

With this equipment it’s possible to work different kinds of compound with:

  • Recycling material from waterproofing membrane
  • Filler/other materials/CaCO3

Technical data:

  • Capacity: up to 80m3/h
  • Diathermic oil temperature : from 180°C to 200°C
  • Electrical power installed: 30-40kW
  • Special design holes: from 55000 to 75000


Filtering/refining machinery for bitumen and bitumen compound base.
It makes the compound smooth and shiny and destroys all the impurities inside.
Usually installed between the secondary/holding mixer and the impregnation/coating tank.
Exceptional filtration up to 0.2mm.

It has a triple fuction: refining/filtration/shredder

Technical data:

  • Capacity: up to 20m3/h
  • Diathermic oil temperature : from 180°C to 200°C
  • Electrical power installed: 3-7,5-18kW
  • Special design holes: from 10000 to 30000


Primary MIXER

Mixing system for compound preparation with bitumen, carbonate calcium, raw materials in different sizes (chips, block, powder) with one or two shafts.
Heating surface more than 80%.

  • Vertical lay-out
  • One or two mixing shafts
  • Stirrer on the base
  • Rotation screw
  • Electrical power installed: 75kW

Secondary-Holding MIXER

The secondary holding tank can be horizontal or vertical, with a loading cell to check the weight of the based bitumen compound during the production of the bituminous waterproofing membrane.
Diathermic oil heating system covers more than 80% of the surface with a forced circuit.

  • Vertical or horizontal version
  • One shaker-shaft


With this equipment it is possible to load raw materials of different sizes in the mixer automatically and in safety:

  • Loading capacity: 1,5m³
  • Loading height: 7m
  • Movable on a rack for multi mixers loading
  • The loading tanks are stackable in double position
  • Electrical power installed: 3Kw


System for injection of the carbonate calcium inside the bitumen/compound.

• Reduced mixing time
• Less decrease of the compound temperature
• No more dust
• Less powder in fumes aspiration pipeline
• Better distribution of the carbonate calcium in the compound